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YLT Book of
Psalms Chapter 91

91:1 He who is dwelling In the secret place of the Most High, In the shade of the Mighty lodgeth habitually,

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 91 , Verse 1 , He who is dwelling In the secret place of the Most High, In the shade of the Mighty lodgeth habitually,

91:2 He is saying of Jehovah, `My refuge, and my bulwark, my God, I trust in Him,'

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 91 , Verse 2 , He is saying of Jehovah, `My refuge, and my bulwark, my God, I trust in Him,'

91:3 For He delivereth thee from the snare of a fowler, From a calamitous pestilence.

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 91 , Verse 3 , For He delivereth thee from the snare of a fowler, From a calamitous pestilence.

91:4 With His pinion He covereth thee over, And under His wings thou dost trust, A shield and buckler `is' His truth.

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 91 , Verse 4 , With His pinion He covereth thee over, And under His wings thou dost trust, A shield and buckler `is' His truth.

91:5 Thou art not afraid of fear by night, Of arrow that flieth by day,

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 91 , Verse 5 , Thou art not afraid of fear by night, Of arrow that flieth by day,

91:6 Of pestilence in thick darkness that walketh, Of destruction that destroyeth at noon,

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 91 , Verse 6 , Of pestilence in thick darkness that walketh, Of destruction that destroyeth at noon,

91:7 There fall at thy side a thousand, And a myriad at thy right hand, Unto thee it cometh not nigh.

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 91 , Verse 7 , There fall at thy side a thousand, And a myriad at thy right hand, Unto thee it cometh not nigh.

91:8 But with thine eyes thou lookest, And the reward of the wicked thou seest,

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 91 , Verse 8 , But with thine eyes thou lookest, And the reward of the wicked thou seest,

91:9 (For Thou, O Jehovah, `art' my refuge,) The Most High thou madest thy habitation.

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 91 , Verse 9 , (For Thou, O Jehovah, `art' my refuge,) The Most High thou madest thy habitation.

91:10 Evil happeneth not unto thee, And a plague cometh not near thy tent,

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 91 , Verse 10 , Evil happeneth not unto thee, And a plague cometh not near thy tent,

91:11 For His messengers He chargeth for thee, To keep thee in all thy ways,

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 91 , Verse 11 , For His messengers He chargeth for thee, To keep thee in all thy ways,

91:12 On the hands they bear thee up, Lest thou smite against a stone thy foot.

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 91 , Verse 12 , On the hands they bear thee up, Lest thou smite against a stone thy foot.

91:13 On lion and asp thou treadest, Thou trampest young lion and dragon.

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 91 , Verse 13 , On lion and asp thou treadest, Thou trampest young lion and dragon.

91:14 Because in Me he hath delighted, I also deliver him -- I set him on high, Because he hath known My name.

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 91 , Verse 14 , Because in Me he hath delighted, I also deliver him -- I set him on high, Because he hath known My name.

91:15 He doth call Me, and I answer him, I `am' with him in distress, I deliver him, and honour him.

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 91 , Verse 15 , He doth call Me, and I answer him, I `am' with him in distress, I deliver him, and honour him.

91:16 With length of days I satisfy him, And I cause him to look on My salvation!

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 91 , Verse 16 , With length of days I satisfy him, And I cause him to look on My salvation!


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