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YLT Book of
Psalms Chapter 104

104:1 Bless, O my soul, Jehovah! Jehovah, my God, Thou hast been very great, Honour and majesty Thou hast put on.

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 104 , Verse 1 , Bless, O my soul, Jehovah! Jehovah, my God, Thou hast been very great, Honour and majesty Thou hast put on.

104:2 Covering himself `with' light as a garment, Stretching out the heavens as a curtain,

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 104 , Verse 2 , Covering himself `with' light as a garment, Stretching out the heavens as a curtain,

104:3 Who is laying the beam of His upper chambers in the waters, Who is making thick clouds His chariot, Who is walking on wings of wind,

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 104 , Verse 3 , Who is laying the beam of His upper chambers in the waters, Who is making thick clouds His chariot, Who is walking on wings of wind,

104:4 Making His messengers -- the winds, His ministers -- the flaming fire.

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 104 , Verse 4 , Making His messengers -- the winds, His ministers -- the flaming fire.

104:5 He hath founded earth on its bases, It is not moved to the age and for ever.

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 104 , Verse 5 , He hath founded earth on its bases, It is not moved to the age and for ever.

104:6 The abyss! as with clothing Thou hast covered it, Above hills do waters stand.

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 104 , Verse 6 , The abyss! as with clothing Thou hast covered it, Above hills do waters stand.

104:7 From Thy rebuke they flee, From the voice of Thy thunder haste away.

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 104 , Verse 7 , From Thy rebuke they flee, From the voice of Thy thunder haste away.

104:8 They go up hills -- they go down valleys, Unto a place Thou hast founded for them.

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 104 , Verse 8 , They go up hills -- they go down valleys, Unto a place Thou hast founded for them.

104:9 A border Thou hast set, they pass not over, They turn not back to cover the earth.

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 104 , Verse 9 , A border Thou hast set, they pass not over, They turn not back to cover the earth.

104:10 Who is sending forth fountains in valleys, Between hills they go on.

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 104 , Verse 10 , Who is sending forth fountains in valleys, Between hills they go on.

104:11 They water every beast of the field, Wild asses break their thirst.

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 104 , Verse 11 , They water every beast of the field, Wild asses break their thirst.

104:12 By them the fowl of the heavens doth dwell, From between the branches They give forth the voice.

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 104 , Verse 12 , By them the fowl of the heavens doth dwell, From between the branches They give forth the voice.

104:13 Watering hills from His upper chambers, From the fruit of Thy works is the earth satisfied.

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 104 , Verse 13 , Watering hills from His upper chambers, From the fruit of Thy works is the earth satisfied.

104:14 Causing grass to spring up for cattle, And herb for the service of man, To bring forth bread from the earth,

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 104 , Verse 14 , Causing grass to spring up for cattle, And herb for the service of man, To bring forth bread from the earth,

104:15 And wine -- it rejoiceth the heart of man, To cause the face to shine from oil, And bread -- the heart of man it supporteth.

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 104 , Verse 15 , And wine -- it rejoiceth the heart of man, To cause the face to shine from oil, And bread -- the heart of man it supporteth.

104:16 Satisfied `are' the trees of Jehovah, Cedars of Lebanon that He hath planted,

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 104 , Verse 16 , Satisfied `are' the trees of Jehovah, Cedars of Lebanon that He hath planted,

104:17 Where birds do make nests, The stork -- the firs `are' her house.

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 104 , Verse 17 , Where birds do make nests, The stork -- the firs `are' her house.

104:18 The high hills `are' for wild goats, Rocks `are' a refuge for conies,

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 104 , Verse 18 , The high hills `are' for wild goats, Rocks `are' a refuge for conies,

104:19 He made the moon for seasons, The sun hath known his place of entrance.

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 104 , Verse 19 , He made the moon for seasons, The sun hath known his place of entrance.

104:20 Thou settest darkness, and it is night, In it doth every beast of the forest creep.

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 104 , Verse 20 , Thou settest darkness, and it is night, In it doth every beast of the forest creep.

104:21 The young lions are roaring for prey, And to seek from God their food.

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 104 , Verse 21 , The young lions are roaring for prey, And to seek from God their food.

104:22 The sun riseth, they are gathered, And in their dens they crouch.

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 104 , Verse 22 , The sun riseth, they are gathered, And in their dens they crouch.

104:23 Man goeth forth to his work, And to his service -- till evening.

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 104 , Verse 23 , Man goeth forth to his work, And to his service -- till evening.

104:24 How many have been Thy works, O Jehovah, All of them in wisdom Thou hast made, Full is the earth of thy possessions.

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 104 , Verse 24 , How many have been Thy works, O Jehovah, All of them in wisdom Thou hast made, Full is the earth of thy possessions.

104:25 This, the sea, great and broad of sides, There `are' moving things -- innumerable, Living creatures -- small with great.

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 104 , Verse 25 , This, the sea, great and broad of sides, There `are' moving things -- innumerable, Living creatures -- small with great.

104:26 There do ships go: leviathan, That Thou hast formed to play in it.

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 104 , Verse 26 , There do ships go: leviathan, That Thou hast formed to play in it.

104:27 All of them unto Thee do look, To give their food in its season.

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 104 , Verse 27 , All of them unto Thee do look, To give their food in its season.

104:28 Thou dost give to them -- they gather, Thou dost open Thy hand -- they `are' satisfied `with' good.

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 104 , Verse 28 , Thou dost give to them -- they gather, Thou dost open Thy hand -- they `are' satisfied `with' good.

104:29 Thou hidest Thy face -- they are troubled, Thou gatherest their spirit -- they expire, And unto their dust they turn back.

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 104 , Verse 29 , Thou hidest Thy face -- they are troubled, Thou gatherest their spirit -- they expire, And unto their dust they turn back.

104:30 Thou sendest out Thy Spirit, they are created, And Thou renewest the face of the ground.

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 104 , Verse 30 , Thou sendest out Thy Spirit, they are created, And Thou renewest the face of the ground.

104:31 The honour of Jehovah is to the age, Jehovah rejoiceth in His works,

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 104 , Verse 31 , The honour of Jehovah is to the age, Jehovah rejoiceth in His works,

104:32 Who is looking to earth, and it trembleth, He cometh against hills, and they smoke.

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 104 , Verse 32 , Who is looking to earth, and it trembleth, He cometh against hills, and they smoke.

104:33 I sing to Jehovah during my life, I sing praise to my God while I exist.

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 104 , Verse 33 , I sing to Jehovah during my life, I sing praise to my God while I exist.

104:34 Sweet is my meditation on Him, I -- I do rejoice in Jehovah.

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 104 , Verse 34 , Sweet is my meditation on Him, I -- I do rejoice in Jehovah.

104:35 Consumed are sinners from the earth, And the wicked are no more. Bless, O my soul, Jehovah. Praise ye Jehovah!

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 104 , Verse 35 , Consumed are sinners from the earth, And the wicked are no more. Bless, O my soul, Jehovah. Praise ye Jehovah!


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