Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150

YLT Book of
Psalms Chapter 135

135:1 Praise ye Jah! Praise ye the name of Jehovah, Praise, ye servants of Jehovah,

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 135 , Verse 1 , Praise ye Jah! Praise ye the name of Jehovah, Praise, ye servants of Jehovah,

135:2 Who are standing in the house of Jehovah, In the courts of the house of our God.

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 135 , Verse 2 , Who are standing in the house of Jehovah, In the courts of the house of our God.

135:3 Praise ye Jah! for Jehovah `is' good, Sing praise to His name, for `it is' pleasant.

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 135 , Verse 3 , Praise ye Jah! for Jehovah `is' good, Sing praise to His name, for `it is' pleasant.

135:4 For Jacob hath Jah chosen for Himself, Israel for His peculiar treasure.

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 135 , Verse 4 , For Jacob hath Jah chosen for Himself, Israel for His peculiar treasure.

135:5 For I have known that great `is' Jehovah, Yea, our Lord `is' above all gods.

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 135 , Verse 5 , For I have known that great `is' Jehovah, Yea, our Lord `is' above all gods.

135:6 All that Jehovah pleased He hath done, In the heavens and in earth, In the seas and all deep places,

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 135 , Verse 6 , All that Jehovah pleased He hath done, In the heavens and in earth, In the seas and all deep places,

135:7 Causing vapours to ascend from the end of the earth, Lightnings for the rain He hath made, Bringing forth wind from His treasures.

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 135 , Verse 7 , Causing vapours to ascend from the end of the earth, Lightnings for the rain He hath made, Bringing forth wind from His treasures.

135:8 Who smote the first-born of Egypt, From man unto beast.

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 135 , Verse 8 , Who smote the first-born of Egypt, From man unto beast.

135:9 He sent tokens and wonders into thy midst, O Egypt, On Pharaoh and on all his servants.

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 135 , Verse 9 , He sent tokens and wonders into thy midst, O Egypt, On Pharaoh and on all his servants.

135:10 Who smote many nations, and slew strong kings,

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 135 , Verse 10 , Who smote many nations, and slew strong kings,

135:11 Even Sihon king of the Amorite, And Og king of Bashan, And all kingdoms of Canaan.

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 135 , Verse 11 , Even Sihon king of the Amorite, And Og king of Bashan, And all kingdoms of Canaan.

135:12 And He gave their land an inheritance, An inheritance to Israel His people,

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 135 , Verse 12 , And He gave their land an inheritance, An inheritance to Israel His people,

135:13 O Jehovah, Thy name `is' to the age, O Jehovah, Thy memorial to all generations.

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 135 , Verse 13 , O Jehovah, Thy name `is' to the age, O Jehovah, Thy memorial to all generations.

135:14 For Jehovah doth judge His people, And for His servants comforteth Himself.

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 135 , Verse 14 , For Jehovah doth judge His people, And for His servants comforteth Himself.

135:15 The idols of the nations `are' silver and gold, Work of the hands of man.

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 135 , Verse 15 , The idols of the nations `are' silver and gold, Work of the hands of man.

135:16 A mouth they have, and they speak not, Eyes they have, and they see not,

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 135 , Verse 16 , A mouth they have, and they speak not, Eyes they have, and they see not,

135:17 Ears they have, and they give not ear, Nose -- there is no breath in their mouth!

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 135 , Verse 17 , Ears they have, and they give not ear, Nose -- there is no breath in their mouth!

135:18 Like them are their makers, Every one who is trusting in them.

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 135 , Verse 18 , Like them are their makers, Every one who is trusting in them.

135:19 O house of Israel, bless ye Jehovah, O house of Aaron, bless ye Jehovah,

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 135 , Verse 19 , O house of Israel, bless ye Jehovah, O house of Aaron, bless ye Jehovah,

135:20 O house of Levi, bless ye Jehovah, Those fearing Jehovah, bless ye Jehovah.

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 135 , Verse 20 , O house of Levi, bless ye Jehovah, Those fearing Jehovah, bless ye Jehovah.

135:21 Blessed `is' Jehovah from Zion, Inhabiting Jerusalem -- praise ye Jah!

The YLT Book of Psalms , Chapter 135 , Verse 21 , Blessed `is' Jehovah from Zion, Inhabiting Jerusalem -- praise ye Jah!


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