Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

YLT Book of
Proverbs Chapter 22

22:1 A name is chosen rather than much wealth, Than silver and than gold -- good grace.

The YLT Book of Proverbs , Chapter 22 , Verse 1 , A name is chosen rather than much wealth, Than silver and than gold -- good grace.

22:2 Rich and poor have met together, The Maker of them all `is' Jehovah.

The YLT Book of Proverbs , Chapter 22 , Verse 2 , Rich and poor have met together, The Maker of them all `is' Jehovah.

22:3 The prudent hath seen the evil, and is hidden, And the simple have passed on, and are punished.

The YLT Book of Proverbs , Chapter 22 , Verse 3 , The prudent hath seen the evil, and is hidden, And the simple have passed on, and are punished.

22:4 The end of humility `is' the fear of Jehovah, Riches, and honour, and life.

The YLT Book of Proverbs , Chapter 22 , Verse 4 , The end of humility `is' the fear of Jehovah, Riches, and honour, and life.

22:5 Thorns -- snares `are' in the way of the perverse, Whoso is keeping his soul is far from them.

The YLT Book of Proverbs , Chapter 22 , Verse 5 , Thorns -- snares `are' in the way of the perverse, Whoso is keeping his soul is far from them.

22:6 Give instruction to a youth about his way, Even when he is old he turneth not from it.

The YLT Book of Proverbs , Chapter 22 , Verse 6 , Give instruction to a youth about his way, Even when he is old he turneth not from it.

22:7 The rich over the poor ruleth, And a servant `is' the borrower to the lender.

The YLT Book of Proverbs , Chapter 22 , Verse 7 , The rich over the poor ruleth, And a servant `is' the borrower to the lender.

22:8 Whoso is sowing perverseness reapeth sorrow, And the rod of his anger weareth out.

The YLT Book of Proverbs , Chapter 22 , Verse 8 , Whoso is sowing perverseness reapeth sorrow, And the rod of his anger weareth out.

22:9 The good of eye -- he is blessed, For he hath given of his bread to the poor.

The YLT Book of Proverbs , Chapter 22 , Verse 9 , The good of eye -- he is blessed, For he hath given of his bread to the poor.

22:10 Cast out a scorner -- and contention goeth out, And strife and shame cease.

The YLT Book of Proverbs , Chapter 22 , Verse 10 , Cast out a scorner -- and contention goeth out, And strife and shame cease.

22:11 Whoso is loving cleanness of heart, Grace `are' his lips, a king `is' his friend.

The YLT Book of Proverbs , Chapter 22 , Verse 11 , Whoso is loving cleanness of heart, Grace `are' his lips, a king `is' his friend.

22:12 The eyes of Jehovah have kept knowledge, And He overthroweth the words of the treacherous.

The YLT Book of Proverbs , Chapter 22 , Verse 12 , The eyes of Jehovah have kept knowledge, And He overthroweth the words of the treacherous.

22:13 The slothful hath said, `A lion `is' without, In the midst of the broad places I am slain.'

The YLT Book of Proverbs , Chapter 22 , Verse 13 , The slothful hath said, `A lion `is' without, In the midst of the broad places I am slain.'

22:14 A deep pit `is' the mouth of strange women, The abhorred of Jehovah falleth there.

The YLT Book of Proverbs , Chapter 22 , Verse 14 , A deep pit `is' the mouth of strange women, The abhorred of Jehovah falleth there.

22:15 Folly is bound up in the heart of a youth, The rod of chastisement putteth it far from him.

The YLT Book of Proverbs , Chapter 22 , Verse 15 , Folly is bound up in the heart of a youth, The rod of chastisement putteth it far from him.

22:16 He is oppressing the poor to multiply to him, He is giving to the rich -- only to want.

The YLT Book of Proverbs , Chapter 22 , Verse 16 , He is oppressing the poor to multiply to him, He is giving to the rich -- only to want.

22:17 Incline thine ear, and hear words of the wise, And thy heart set to my knowledge,

The YLT Book of Proverbs , Chapter 22 , Verse 17 , Incline thine ear, and hear words of the wise, And thy heart set to my knowledge,

22:18 For they are pleasant when thou dost keep them in thy heart, They are prepared together for thy lips.

The YLT Book of Proverbs , Chapter 22 , Verse 18 , For they are pleasant when thou dost keep them in thy heart, They are prepared together for thy lips.

22:19 That thy trust may be in Jehovah, I caused thee to know to-day, even thou.

The YLT Book of Proverbs , Chapter 22 , Verse 19 , That thy trust may be in Jehovah, I caused thee to know to-day, even thou.

22:20 Have I not written to thee three times With counsels and knowledge?

The YLT Book of Proverbs , Chapter 22 , Verse 20 , Have I not written to thee three times With counsels and knowledge?

22:21 To cause thee to know the certainty of sayings of truth, To return sayings of truth to those sending thee.

The YLT Book of Proverbs , Chapter 22 , Verse 21 , To cause thee to know the certainty of sayings of truth, To return sayings of truth to those sending thee.

22:22 Rob not the poor because he `is' poor, And bruise not the afflicted in the gate.

The YLT Book of Proverbs , Chapter 22 , Verse 22 , Rob not the poor because he `is' poor, And bruise not the afflicted in the gate.

22:23 For Jehovah pleadeth their cause, And hath spoiled the soul of their spoilers.

The YLT Book of Proverbs , Chapter 22 , Verse 23 , For Jehovah pleadeth their cause, And hath spoiled the soul of their spoilers.

22:24 Shew not thyself friendly with an angry man, And with a man of fury go not in,

The YLT Book of Proverbs , Chapter 22 , Verse 24 , Shew not thyself friendly with an angry man, And with a man of fury go not in,

22:25 Lest thou learn his paths, And have received a snare to thy soul.

The YLT Book of Proverbs , Chapter 22 , Verse 25 , Lest thou learn his paths, And have received a snare to thy soul.

22:26 Be not thou among those striking hands, Among sureties `for' burdens.

The YLT Book of Proverbs , Chapter 22 , Verse 26 , Be not thou among those striking hands, Among sureties `for' burdens.

22:27 If thou hast nothing to pay, Why doth he take thy bed from under thee?

The YLT Book of Proverbs , Chapter 22 , Verse 27 , If thou hast nothing to pay, Why doth he take thy bed from under thee?

22:28 Remove not a border of olden times, That thy fathers have made.

The YLT Book of Proverbs , Chapter 22 , Verse 28 , Remove not a border of olden times, That thy fathers have made.

22:29 Hast thou seen a man speedy in his business? Before kings he doth station himself, He stations not himself before obscure men!

The YLT Book of Proverbs , Chapter 22 , Verse 29 , Hast thou seen a man speedy in his business? Before kings he doth station himself, He stations not himself before obscure men!


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