Chapters: 1 2 3 4

YLT Book of
Malachi Chapter 4

4:1 For, lo, the day hath come, burning as a furnace, And all the proud, and every wicked doer, have been stubble, And burnt them hath the day that came, Said Jehovah of Hosts, That there is not left to them root or branch,

The YLT Book of Malachi , Chapter 4 , Verse 1 , For, lo, the day hath come, burning as a furnace, And all the proud, and every wicked doer, have been stubble, And burnt them hath the day that came, Said Jehovah of Hosts, That there is not left to them root or branch,

4:2 And risen to you, ye who fear My name, Hath the sun of righteousness -- and healing in its wings, And ye have gone forth, and have increased as calves of a stall.

The YLT Book of Malachi , Chapter 4 , Verse 2 , And risen to you, ye who fear My name, Hath the sun of righteousness -- and healing in its wings, And ye have gone forth, and have increased as calves of a stall.

4:3 And ye have trodden down the wicked, For they are ashes under the soles of your feet, In the day that I am appointing, Said Jehovah of Hosts.

The YLT Book of Malachi , Chapter 4 , Verse 3 , And ye have trodden down the wicked, For they are ashes under the soles of your feet, In the day that I am appointing, Said Jehovah of Hosts.

4:4 Remember ye the law of Moses My servant, That I did command him in Horeb, For all Israel -- statutes and judgments.

The YLT Book of Malachi , Chapter 4 , Verse 4 , Remember ye the law of Moses My servant, That I did command him in Horeb, For all Israel -- statutes and judgments.

4:5 Lo, I am sending to you Elijah the prophet, Before the coming of the day of Jehovah, The great and the fearful.

The YLT Book of Malachi , Chapter 4 , Verse 5 , Lo, I am sending to you Elijah the prophet, Before the coming of the day of Jehovah, The great and the fearful.

4:6 And he hath turned back the heart of fathers to sons, And the heart of sons to their fathers, Before I come and have utterly smitten the land!

The YLT Book of Malachi , Chapter 4 , Verse 6 , And he hath turned back the heart of fathers to sons, And the heart of sons to their fathers, Before I come and have utterly smitten the land!


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