Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

YLT Book of
Acts Chapter 27

27:1 And when our sailing to Italy was determined, they were delivering up both Paul and certain others, prisoners, to a centurion, by name Julius, of the band of Sebastus,

The YLT Book of Acts , Chapter 27 , Verse 1 , And when our sailing to Italy was determined, they were delivering up both Paul and certain others, prisoners, to a centurion, by name Julius, of the band of Sebastus,

27:2 and having embarked in a ship of Adramyttium, we, being about to sail by the coasts of Asia, did set sail, there being with us Aristarchus, a Macedonian of Thessalonica,

The YLT Book of Acts , Chapter 27 , Verse 2 , and having embarked in a ship of Adramyttium, we, being about to sail by the coasts of Asia, did set sail, there being with us Aristarchus, a Macedonian of Thessalonica,

27:3 on the next `day' also we touched at Sidon, and Julius, courteously treating Paul, did permit `him', having gone on unto friends, to receive `their' care.

The YLT Book of Acts , Chapter 27 , Verse 3 , on the next `day' also we touched at Sidon, and Julius, courteously treating Paul, did permit `him', having gone on unto friends, to receive `their' care.

27:4 And thence, having set sail, we sailed under Cyprus, because of the winds being contrary,

The YLT Book of Acts , Chapter 27 , Verse 4 , And thence, having set sail, we sailed under Cyprus, because of the winds being contrary,

27:5 and having sailed over the sea over-against Cilicia and Pamphylia, we came to Myria of Lycia,

The YLT Book of Acts , Chapter 27 , Verse 5 , and having sailed over the sea over-against Cilicia and Pamphylia, we came to Myria of Lycia,

27:6 and there the centurion having found a ship of Alexandria, sailing to Italy, did put us into it,

The YLT Book of Acts , Chapter 27 , Verse 6 , and there the centurion having found a ship of Alexandria, sailing to Italy, did put us into it,

27:7 and having sailed slowly many days, and with difficulty coming over-against Cnidus, the wind not suffering us, we sailed under Crete, over-against Salmone,

The YLT Book of Acts , Chapter 27 , Verse 7 , and having sailed slowly many days, and with difficulty coming over-against Cnidus, the wind not suffering us, we sailed under Crete, over-against Salmone,

27:8 and hardly passing it, we came to a certain place called `Fair Havens,' nigh to which was the city `of' Lasaea.

The YLT Book of Acts , Chapter 27 , Verse 8 , and hardly passing it, we came to a certain place called `Fair Havens,' nigh to which was the city `of' Lasaea.

27:9 And much time being spent, and the sailing being now dangerous -- because of the fast also being already past -- Paul was admonishing,

The YLT Book of Acts , Chapter 27 , Verse 9 , And much time being spent, and the sailing being now dangerous -- because of the fast also being already past -- Paul was admonishing,

27:10 saying to them, `Men, I perceive that with hurt, and much damage, not only of the lading and of the ship, but also of our lives -- the voyage is about to be;'

The YLT Book of Acts , Chapter 27 , Verse 10 , saying to them, `Men, I perceive that with hurt, and much damage, not only of the lading and of the ship, but also of our lives -- the voyage is about to be;'

27:11 but the centurion to the pilot and to the shipowner gave credence more than to the things spoken by Paul;

The YLT Book of Acts , Chapter 27 , Verse 11 , but the centurion to the pilot and to the shipowner gave credence more than to the things spoken by Paul;

27:12 and the haven being incommodious to winter in, the more part gave counsel to sail thence also, if by any means they might be able, having attained to Phenice, `there' to winter, `which is' a haven of Crete, looking to the south-west and north-west,

The YLT Book of Acts , Chapter 27 , Verse 12 , and the haven being incommodious to winter in, the more part gave counsel to sail thence also, if by any means they might be able, having attained to Phenice, `there' to winter, `which is' a haven of Crete, looking to the south-west and north-west,

27:13 and a south wind blowing softly, having thought they had obtained `their' purpose, having lifted anchor, they sailed close by Crete,

The YLT Book of Acts , Chapter 27 , Verse 13 , and a south wind blowing softly, having thought they had obtained `their' purpose, having lifted anchor, they sailed close by Crete,

27:14 and not long after there arose against it a tempestuous wind, that is called Euroclydon,

The YLT Book of Acts , Chapter 27 , Verse 14 , and not long after there arose against it a tempestuous wind, that is called Euroclydon,

27:15 and the ship being caught, and not being able to bear up against the wind, having given `her' up, we were borne on,

The YLT Book of Acts , Chapter 27 , Verse 15 , and the ship being caught, and not being able to bear up against the wind, having given `her' up, we were borne on,

27:16 and having run under a certain little isle, called Clauda, we were hardly able to become masters of the boat,

The YLT Book of Acts , Chapter 27 , Verse 16 , and having run under a certain little isle, called Clauda, we were hardly able to become masters of the boat,

27:17 which having taken up, they were using helps, undergirding the ship, and fearing lest they may fall on the quicksand, having let down the mast -- so were borne on.

The YLT Book of Acts , Chapter 27 , Verse 17 , which having taken up, they were using helps, undergirding the ship, and fearing lest they may fall on the quicksand, having let down the mast -- so were borne on.

27:18 And we, being exceedingly tempest-tossed, the succeeding `day' they were making a clearing,

The YLT Book of Acts , Chapter 27 , Verse 18 , And we, being exceedingly tempest-tossed, the succeeding `day' they were making a clearing,

27:19 and on the third `day' with our own hands the tackling of the ship we cast out,

The YLT Book of Acts , Chapter 27 , Verse 19 , and on the third `day' with our own hands the tackling of the ship we cast out,

27:20 and neither sun nor stars appearing for more days, and not a little tempest lying upon us, thenceforth all hope was taken away of our being saved.

The YLT Book of Acts , Chapter 27 , Verse 20 , and neither sun nor stars appearing for more days, and not a little tempest lying upon us, thenceforth all hope was taken away of our being saved.

27:21 And there having been long fasting, then Paul having stood in the midst of them, said, `It behoved `you', indeed, O men -- having hearkened to me -- not to set sail from Crete, and to save this hurt and damage;

The YLT Book of Acts , Chapter 27 , Verse 21 , And there having been long fasting, then Paul having stood in the midst of them, said, `It behoved `you', indeed, O men -- having hearkened to me -- not to set sail from Crete, and to save this hurt and damage;

27:22 and now I exhort you to be of good cheer, for there shall be no loss of life among you -- but of the ship;

The YLT Book of Acts , Chapter 27 , Verse 22 , and now I exhort you to be of good cheer, for there shall be no loss of life among you -- but of the ship;

27:23 for there stood by me this night a messenger of God -- whose I am, and whom I serve --

The YLT Book of Acts , Chapter 27 , Verse 23 , for there stood by me this night a messenger of God -- whose I am, and whom I serve --

27:24 saying, Be not afraid Paul; before Caesar it behoveth thee to stand; and, lo, God hath granted to thee all those sailing with thee;

The YLT Book of Acts , Chapter 27 , Verse 24 , saying, Be not afraid Paul; before Caesar it behoveth thee to stand; and, lo, God hath granted to thee all those sailing with thee;

27:25 wherefore be of good cheer, men! for I believe God, that so it shall be, even as it hath been spoken to me,

The YLT Book of Acts , Chapter 27 , Verse 25 , wherefore be of good cheer, men! for I believe God, that so it shall be, even as it hath been spoken to me,

27:26 and on a certain island it behoveth us to be cast.'

The YLT Book of Acts , Chapter 27 , Verse 26 , and on a certain island it behoveth us to be cast.'

27:27 And when the fourteenth night came -- we being borne up and down in the Adria -- toward the middle of the night the sailors were supposing that some country drew nigh to them;

The YLT Book of Acts , Chapter 27 , Verse 27 , And when the fourteenth night came -- we being borne up and down in the Adria -- toward the middle of the night the sailors were supposing that some country drew nigh to them;

27:28 and having sounded they found twenty fathoms, and having gone a little farther, and again having sounded, they found fifteen fathoms,

The YLT Book of Acts , Chapter 27 , Verse 28 , and having sounded they found twenty fathoms, and having gone a little farther, and again having sounded, they found fifteen fathoms,

27:29 and fearing lest on rough places we may fall, out of the stern having cast four anchors, they were wishing day to come.

The YLT Book of Acts , Chapter 27 , Verse 29 , and fearing lest on rough places we may fall, out of the stern having cast four anchors, they were wishing day to come.

27:30 And the sailors seeking to flee out of the ship, and having let down the boat to the sea, in pretence as `if' out of the foreship they are about to cast anchors,

The YLT Book of Acts , Chapter 27 , Verse 30 , And the sailors seeking to flee out of the ship, and having let down the boat to the sea, in pretence as `if' out of the foreship they are about to cast anchors,

27:31 Paul said to the centurion and to the soldiers, `If these do not remain in the ship -- ye are not able to be saved;'

The YLT Book of Acts , Chapter 27 , Verse 31 , Paul said to the centurion and to the soldiers, `If these do not remain in the ship -- ye are not able to be saved;'

27:32 then the soldiers did cut off the ropes of the boat, and suffered it to fall off.

The YLT Book of Acts , Chapter 27 , Verse 32 , then the soldiers did cut off the ropes of the boat, and suffered it to fall off.

27:33 And till the day was about to be, Paul was calling upon all to partake of nourishment, saying, `Fourteen days to-day, waiting, ye continue fasting, having taken nothing,

The YLT Book of Acts , Chapter 27 , Verse 33 , And till the day was about to be, Paul was calling upon all to partake of nourishment, saying, `Fourteen days to-day, waiting, ye continue fasting, having taken nothing,

27:34 wherefore I call upon you to take nourishment, for this is for your safety, for of not one of you shall a hair from the head fall;'

The YLT Book of Acts , Chapter 27 , Verse 34 , wherefore I call upon you to take nourishment, for this is for your safety, for of not one of you shall a hair from the head fall;'

27:35 and having said these things, and having taken bread, he gave thanks to God before all, and having broken `it', he began to eat;

The YLT Book of Acts , Chapter 27 , Verse 35 , and having said these things, and having taken bread, he gave thanks to God before all, and having broken `it', he began to eat;

27:36 and all having become of good cheer, themselves also took food,

The YLT Book of Acts , Chapter 27 , Verse 36 , and all having become of good cheer, themselves also took food,

27:37 (and we were -- all the souls in the ship -- two hundred, seventy and six),

The YLT Book of Acts , Chapter 27 , Verse 37 , (and we were -- all the souls in the ship -- two hundred, seventy and six),

27:38 and having eaten sufficient nourishment, they were lightening the ship, casting forth the wheat into the sea.

The YLT Book of Acts , Chapter 27 , Verse 38 , and having eaten sufficient nourishment, they were lightening the ship, casting forth the wheat into the sea.

27:39 And when the day came, they were not discerning the land, but a certain creek were perceiving having a beach, into which they took counsel, if possible, to thrust forward the ship,

The YLT Book of Acts , Chapter 27 , Verse 39 , And when the day came, they were not discerning the land, but a certain creek were perceiving having a beach, into which they took counsel, if possible, to thrust forward the ship,

27:40 and the anchors having taken up, they were committing `it' to the sea, at the same time -- having loosed the bands of the rudders, and having hoisted up the mainsail to the wind -- they were making for the shore,

The YLT Book of Acts , Chapter 27 , Verse 40 , and the anchors having taken up, they were committing `it' to the sea, at the same time -- having loosed the bands of the rudders, and having hoisted up the mainsail to the wind -- they were making for the shore,

27:41 and having fallen into a place of two seas, they ran the ship aground, and the fore-part, indeed, having stuck fast, did remain immoveable, but the hinder-part was broken by the violence of the waves.

The YLT Book of Acts , Chapter 27 , Verse 41 , and having fallen into a place of two seas, they ran the ship aground, and the fore-part, indeed, having stuck fast, did remain immoveable, but the hinder-part was broken by the violence of the waves.

27:42 And the soldiers' counsel was that they should kill the prisoners, lest any one having swam out should escape,

The YLT Book of Acts , Chapter 27 , Verse 42 , And the soldiers' counsel was that they should kill the prisoners, lest any one having swam out should escape,

27:43 but the centurion, wishing to save Paul, hindered them from the counsel, and did command those able to swim, having cast themselves out first -- to get unto the land,

The YLT Book of Acts , Chapter 27 , Verse 43 , but the centurion, wishing to save Paul, hindered them from the counsel, and did command those able to swim, having cast themselves out first -- to get unto the land,

27:44 and the rest, some indeed upon boards, and some upon certain things of the ship; and thus it came to pass that all came safe unto the land.

The YLT Book of Acts , Chapter 27 , Verse 44 , and the rest, some indeed upon boards, and some upon certain things of the ship; and thus it came to pass that all came safe unto the land.


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