Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

BBE Book of
Proverbs Chapter 23

23:1 When you take your seat at the feast with a ruler, give thought with care to what is before you;

The BBE Book of Proverbs , Chapter 23 , Verse 1 , When you take your seat at the feast with a ruler, give thought with care to what is before you;

23:2 And put a knife to your throat, if you have a strong desire for food.

The BBE Book of Proverbs , Chapter 23 , Verse 2 , And put a knife to your throat, if you have a strong desire for food.

23:3 Have no desire for his delicate food, for it is the bread of deceit.

The BBE Book of Proverbs , Chapter 23 , Verse 3 , Have no desire for his delicate food, for it is the bread of deceit.

23:4 Take no care to get wealth; let there be an end to your desire for money.

The BBE Book of Proverbs , Chapter 23 , Verse 4 , Take no care to get wealth; let there be an end to your desire for money.

23:5 Are your eyes lifted up to it? it is gone: for wealth takes to itself wings, like an eagle in flight up to heaven.

The BBE Book of Proverbs , Chapter 23 , Verse 5 , Are your eyes lifted up to it? it is gone: for wealth takes to itself wings, like an eagle in flight up to heaven.

23:6 Do not take the food of him who has an evil eye, or have any desire for his delicate meat:

The BBE Book of Proverbs , Chapter 23 , Verse 6 , Do not take the food of him who has an evil eye, or have any desire for his delicate meat:

23:7 For as the thoughts of his heart are, so is he: Take food and drink, he says to you; but his heart is not with you.

The BBE Book of Proverbs , Chapter 23 , Verse 7 , For as the thoughts of his heart are, so is he: Take food and drink, he says to you; but his heart is not with you.

23:8 The food which you have taken will come up again, and your pleasing words will be wasted.

The BBE Book of Proverbs , Chapter 23 , Verse 8 , The food which you have taken will come up again, and your pleasing words will be wasted.

23:9 Say nothing in the hearing of a foolish man, for he will put no value on the wisdom of your words.

The BBE Book of Proverbs , Chapter 23 , Verse 9 , Say nothing in the hearing of a foolish man, for he will put no value on the wisdom of your words.

23:10 Do not let the landmark of the widow be moved, and do not go into the fields of those who have no father;

The BBE Book of Proverbs , Chapter 23 , Verse 10 , Do not let the landmark of the widow be moved, and do not go into the fields of those who have no father;

23:11 For their saviour is strong, and he will take up their cause against you.

The BBE Book of Proverbs , Chapter 23 , Verse 11 , For their saviour is strong, and he will take up their cause against you.

23:12 Give your heart to teaching, and your ears to the words of knowledge.

The BBE Book of Proverbs , Chapter 23 , Verse 12 , Give your heart to teaching, and your ears to the words of knowledge.

23:13 Do not keep back training from the child: for even if you give him blows with the rod, it will not be death to him.

The BBE Book of Proverbs , Chapter 23 , Verse 13 , Do not keep back training from the child: for even if you give him blows with the rod, it will not be death to him.

23:14 Give him blows with the rod, and keep his soul safe from the underworld.

The BBE Book of Proverbs , Chapter 23 , Verse 14 , Give him blows with the rod, and keep his soul safe from the underworld.

23:15 My son, if your heart becomes wise, I, even I, will be glad in heart;

The BBE Book of Proverbs , Chapter 23 , Verse 15 , My son, if your heart becomes wise, I, even I, will be glad in heart;

23:16 And my thoughts in me will be full of joy when your lips say right things.

The BBE Book of Proverbs , Chapter 23 , Verse 16 , And my thoughts in me will be full of joy when your lips say right things.

23:17 Have no envy of sinners in your heart, but keep in the fear of the Lord all through the day;

The BBE Book of Proverbs , Chapter 23 , Verse 17 , Have no envy of sinners in your heart, but keep in the fear of the Lord all through the day;

23:18 For without doubt there is a future, and your hope will not be cut off.

The BBE Book of Proverbs , Chapter 23 , Verse 18 , For without doubt there is a future, and your hope will not be cut off.

23:19 Give ear, my son, and be wise, guiding your heart in the right way.

The BBE Book of Proverbs , Chapter 23 , Verse 19 , Give ear, my son, and be wise, guiding your heart in the right way.

23:20 Do not be among those who give themselves to wine-drinking, or among those who make themselves full with meat:

The BBE Book of Proverbs , Chapter 23 , Verse 20 , Do not be among those who give themselves to wine-drinking, or among those who make themselves full with meat:

23:21 For those who take delight in drink and feasting will come to be in need; and through love of sleep a man will be poorly clothed.

The BBE Book of Proverbs , Chapter 23 , Verse 21 , For those who take delight in drink and feasting will come to be in need; and through love of sleep a man will be poorly clothed.

23:22 Give ear to your father whose child you are, and do not keep honour from your mother when she is old.

The BBE Book of Proverbs , Chapter 23 , Verse 22 , Give ear to your father whose child you are, and do not keep honour from your mother when she is old.

23:23 Get for yourself that which is true, and do not let it go for money; get wisdom and teaching and good sense.

The BBE Book of Proverbs , Chapter 23 , Verse 23 , Get for yourself that which is true, and do not let it go for money; get wisdom and teaching and good sense.

23:24 The father of the upright man will be glad, and he who has a wise child will have joy because of him.

The BBE Book of Proverbs , Chapter 23 , Verse 24 , The father of the upright man will be glad, and he who has a wise child will have joy because of him.

23:25 Let your father and your mother be glad, let her who gave you birth have joy.

The BBE Book of Proverbs , Chapter 23 , Verse 25 , Let your father and your mother be glad, let her who gave you birth have joy.

23:26 My son, give me your heart, and let your eyes take delight in my ways.

The BBE Book of Proverbs , Chapter 23 , Verse 26 , My son, give me your heart, and let your eyes take delight in my ways.

23:27 For a loose woman is a deep hollow, and a strange woman is a narrow water-hole.

The BBE Book of Proverbs , Chapter 23 , Verse 27 , For a loose woman is a deep hollow, and a strange woman is a narrow water-hole.

23:28 Yes, she is waiting secretly like a beast for its food, and deceit by her is increased among men.

The BBE Book of Proverbs , Chapter 23 , Verse 28 , Yes, she is waiting secretly like a beast for its food, and deceit by her is increased among men.

23:29 Who says, Oh! who says, Ah! who has violent arguments, who has grief, who has wounds without cause, whose eyes are dark?

The BBE Book of Proverbs , Chapter 23 , Verse 29 , Who says, Oh! who says, Ah! who has violent arguments, who has grief, who has wounds without cause, whose eyes are dark?

23:30 Those who are seated late over the wine: those who go looking for mixed wine.

The BBE Book of Proverbs , Chapter 23 , Verse 30 , Those who are seated late over the wine: those who go looking for mixed wine.

23:31 Keep your eyes from looking on the wine when it is red, when its colour is bright in the cup, when it goes smoothly down:

The BBE Book of Proverbs , Chapter 23 , Verse 31 , Keep your eyes from looking on the wine when it is red, when its colour is bright in the cup, when it goes smoothly down:

23:32 In the end, its bite is like that of a snake, its wound like the wound of a poison-snake.

The BBE Book of Proverbs , Chapter 23 , Verse 32 , In the end, its bite is like that of a snake, its wound like the wound of a poison-snake.

23:33 Your eyes will see strange things, and you will say twisted things.

The BBE Book of Proverbs , Chapter 23 , Verse 33 , Your eyes will see strange things, and you will say twisted things.

23:34 Yes, you will be like him who takes his rest on the sea, or on the top of a sail-support.

The BBE Book of Proverbs , Chapter 23 , Verse 34 , Yes, you will be like him who takes his rest on the sea, or on the top of a sail-support.

23:35 They have overcome me, you will say, and I have no pain; they gave me blows without my feeling them: when will I be awake from my wine? I will go after it again.

The BBE Book of Proverbs , Chapter 23 , Verse 35 , They have overcome me, you will say, and I have no pain; they gave me blows without my feeling them: when will I be awake from my wine? I will go after it again.


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