Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

BBE Book of
Job Chapter 38

38:1 And the Lord made answer to Job out of the storm-wind, and said,

The BBE Book of Job , Chapter 38 , Verse 1 , And the Lord made answer to Job out of the storm-wind, and said,

38:2 Who is this who makes the purpose of God dark by words without knowledge?

The BBE Book of Job , Chapter 38 , Verse 2 , Who is this who makes the purpose of God dark by words without knowledge?

38:3 Get your strength together like a man of war; I will put questions to you, and you will give me the answers.

The BBE Book of Job , Chapter 38 , Verse 3 , Get your strength together like a man of war; I will put questions to you, and you will give me the answers.

38:4 Where were you when I put the earth on its base? Say, if you have knowledge.

The BBE Book of Job , Chapter 38 , Verse 4 , Where were you when I put the earth on its base? Say, if you have knowledge.

38:5 By whom were its measures fixed? Say, if you have wisdom; or by whom was the line stretched out over it?

The BBE Book of Job , Chapter 38 , Verse 5 , By whom were its measures fixed? Say, if you have wisdom; or by whom was the line stretched out over it?

38:6 On what were its pillars based, or who put down its angle-stone,

The BBE Book of Job , Chapter 38 , Verse 6 , On what were its pillars based, or who put down its angle-stone,

38:7 When the morning stars made songs together, and all the sons of the gods gave cries of joy?

The BBE Book of Job , Chapter 38 , Verse 7 , When the morning stars made songs together, and all the sons of the gods gave cries of joy?

38:8 Or where were you when the sea came to birth, pushing out from its secret place;

The BBE Book of Job , Chapter 38 , Verse 8 , Or where were you when the sea came to birth, pushing out from its secret place;

38:9 When I made the cloud its robe, and put thick clouds as bands round it,

The BBE Book of Job , Chapter 38 , Verse 9 , When I made the cloud its robe, and put thick clouds as bands round it,

38:10 Ordering a fixed limit for it, with locks and doors;

The BBE Book of Job , Chapter 38 , Verse 10 , Ordering a fixed limit for it, with locks and doors;

38:11 And said, So far you may come, and no farther; and here the pride of your waves will be stopped?

The BBE Book of Job , Chapter 38 , Verse 11 , And said, So far you may come, and no farther; and here the pride of your waves will be stopped?

38:12 Have you, from your earliest days, given orders to the morning, or made the dawn conscious of its place;

The BBE Book of Job , Chapter 38 , Verse 12 , Have you, from your earliest days, given orders to the morning, or made the dawn conscious of its place;

38:13 So that it might take a grip of the skirts of the earth, shaking all the evil-doers out of it?

The BBE Book of Job , Chapter 38 , Verse 13 , So that it might take a grip of the skirts of the earth, shaking all the evil-doers out of it?

38:14 It is changed like wet earth under a stamp, and is coloured like a robe;

The BBE Book of Job , Chapter 38 , Verse 14 , It is changed like wet earth under a stamp, and is coloured like a robe;

38:15 And from the evil-doers their light is kept back, and the arm of pride is broken.

The BBE Book of Job , Chapter 38 , Verse 15 , And from the evil-doers their light is kept back, and the arm of pride is broken.

38:16 Have you come into the springs of the sea, walking in the secret places of the deep?

The BBE Book of Job , Chapter 38 , Verse 16 , Have you come into the springs of the sea, walking in the secret places of the deep?

38:17 Have the doors of death been open to you, or have the door-keepers of the dark ever seen you?

The BBE Book of Job , Chapter 38 , Verse 17 , Have the doors of death been open to you, or have the door-keepers of the dark ever seen you?

38:18 Have you taken note of the wide limits of the earth? Say, if you have knowledge of it all.

The BBE Book of Job , Chapter 38 , Verse 18 , Have you taken note of the wide limits of the earth? Say, if you have knowledge of it all.

38:19 Which is the way to the resting-place of the light, and where is the store-house of the dark;

The BBE Book of Job , Chapter 38 , Verse 19 , Which is the way to the resting-place of the light, and where is the store-house of the dark;

38:20 So that you might take it to its limit, guiding it to its house?

The BBE Book of Job , Chapter 38 , Verse 20 , So that you might take it to its limit, guiding it to its house?

38:21 No doubt you have knowledge of it, for then you had come to birth, and the number of your days is great.

The BBE Book of Job , Chapter 38 , Verse 21 , No doubt you have knowledge of it, for then you had come to birth, and the number of your days is great.

38:22 Have you come into the secret place of snow, or have you seen the store-houses of the ice-drops,

The BBE Book of Job , Chapter 38 , Verse 22 , Have you come into the secret place of snow, or have you seen the store-houses of the ice-drops,

38:23 Which I have kept for the time of trouble, for the day of war and fighting?

The BBE Book of Job , Chapter 38 , Verse 23 , Which I have kept for the time of trouble, for the day of war and fighting?

38:24 Which is the way to the place where the wind is measured out, and the east wind sent out over the earth?

The BBE Book of Job , Chapter 38 , Verse 24 , Which is the way to the place where the wind is measured out, and the east wind sent out over the earth?

38:25 By whom has the way been cut for the flowing of the rain, and the flaming of the thunder;

The BBE Book of Job , Chapter 38 , Verse 25 , By whom has the way been cut for the flowing of the rain, and the flaming of the thunder;

38:26 Causing rain to come on a land where no man is living, on the waste land which has no people;

The BBE Book of Job , Chapter 38 , Verse 26 , Causing rain to come on a land where no man is living, on the waste land which has no people;

38:27 To give water to the land where there is waste and destruction, and to make the dry land green with young grass?

The BBE Book of Job , Chapter 38 , Verse 27 , To give water to the land where there is waste and destruction, and to make the dry land green with young grass?

38:28 Has the rain a father? or who gave birth to the drops of night mist?

The BBE Book of Job , Chapter 38 , Verse 28 , Has the rain a father? or who gave birth to the drops of night mist?

38:29 Out of whose body came the ice? and who gave birth to the cold mist of heaven?

The BBE Book of Job , Chapter 38 , Verse 29 , Out of whose body came the ice? and who gave birth to the cold mist of heaven?

38:30 The waters are joined together, hard as a stone, and the face of the deep is covered.

The BBE Book of Job , Chapter 38 , Verse 30 , The waters are joined together, hard as a stone, and the face of the deep is covered.

38:31 Are the bands of the Pleiades fixed by you, or are the cords of Orion made loose?

The BBE Book of Job , Chapter 38 , Verse 31 , Are the bands of the Pleiades fixed by you, or are the cords of Orion made loose?

38:32 Do you make Mazzaroth come out in its right time, or are the Bear and its children guided by you?

The BBE Book of Job , Chapter 38 , Verse 32 , Do you make Mazzaroth come out in its right time, or are the Bear and its children guided by you?

38:33 Have you knowledge of the laws of the heavens? did you give them rule over the earth?

The BBE Book of Job , Chapter 38 , Verse 33 , Have you knowledge of the laws of the heavens? did you give them rule over the earth?

38:34 Is your voice sent up to the cloud, so that you may be covered by the weight of waters?

The BBE Book of Job , Chapter 38 , Verse 34 , Is your voice sent up to the cloud, so that you may be covered by the weight of waters?

38:35 Do you send out the thunder-flames, so that they may go, and say to you, Here we are?

The BBE Book of Job , Chapter 38 , Verse 35 , Do you send out the thunder-flames, so that they may go, and say to you, Here we are?

38:36 Who has put wisdom in the high clouds, or given knowledge to the lights of the north?

The BBE Book of Job , Chapter 38 , Verse 36 , Who has put wisdom in the high clouds, or given knowledge to the lights of the north?

38:37 By whose wisdom are the clouds numbered, or the water-skins of the heavens turned to the earth,

The BBE Book of Job , Chapter 38 , Verse 37 , By whose wisdom are the clouds numbered, or the water-skins of the heavens turned to the earth,

38:38 When the earth becomes hard as metal, and is joined together in masses?

The BBE Book of Job , Chapter 38 , Verse 38 , When the earth becomes hard as metal, and is joined together in masses?


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